Wednesday, January 21, 2009

"Did you know?" Video. Wow!

Well, I just finished watching the "Did you know?" video and I have to say that everything on that video I would have never guessed would have been true. I think the thing that shocked me most though was the number of college graduates. I would never have thought the India and China's numbers would have been that much greater than in the U.S. Also, the number of searches on Google in one day, 27 billion! I would never have guessed. I mean I suppose I can see it, but it's just hard to believe that something is so universal and so used. All of the statistics on that video were just unimaginable to me.

After watching that video it is easy to see how just about everything in our world today is based on technology. The number of visits to MySpace, the number of instant messages, e-mails, and text messages, and the number of visits to YouTube have just sky-rocketed in the past few years. After looking at all of those statistics too, it's hard to imagine places and people that have never even used a computer in their life.

I really liked the video. It definitely makes you think! Oh, on the part where it says guess the country and it lists largest military, strongest education program, and those things I definitely was thinking the U.S.! Anyone else think that?

Well, that's all for this post. Hope you enjoyed!


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